Tuesday, November 10, 2009

To Legalize or Not

To Legalize or Not.....Drugs
Such a hot topic issue, and everyone has an opinion. With so many DWI's and DUI's, the issue should be examined! Both sides of the issue are equally important and deserve respect. One option that is not being discussed is to legalize ALL drugs. Marijuana, speed, LSD, PCP, cocaine, meth...and all other drugs not listed. And before you go off into a tirade about it....think about it. If drugs were legal, then the government could contract with certain people to make, and sell it at specified stores, and tax it...just like they do tobacco. Then the tax that is collected should be set in a separate fund so that when someone is dying of any number of ailments from the drug use, then the money that is in the fund will go to pay for it...so that the tax payers (the non drug users) won't feel the pinch of it. As well as the loss of life might decrease, the rate of crime has the possibility of decreasing, and it would keep the money here in America so that it could stop some money going into the hands of terrorists.
No one really talks about the accidents that happen by going to the local "smoke shop" because they dropped their cigarette, because it is hard to prove, however, if someone were to look closely at it, one might be surprised to find how many accidents (and near accidents) happen because of that fact.

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